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In these challenging times it’s important to do everything you can for yourself and your loved ones. COVID-19 complications are related to excess weight. Learn how to boost immunity and promote optimal gut health, while eliminating unwanted pounds, fatigue and discomfort!

Apply the code FREEBOOK at checkout and get the book at no cost to you!  Click here to learn more and order today.


From weight gain and chronic fatigue, to headaches and digestive issues, food sensitivities may be responsible for an array of symptoms and medical conditions. Foods as common as corn and tomatoes may set off reactions that can affect your health and indirectly lead to weight gain.

Free Book for Weight Loss and Optimal Health

Get your free book to learn how you can identify the foods and chemicals that are blocking your optimal weight, health and immunity.


If you have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or above, and you get infected, you are 118% more likely to be hospitalized, 74% more likely to land in the ICU, and 48% more likely to die, than if you were of normal weight. A man who is 5’9’’ and weighs 203, has a BMI of 30. A woman who is 5’4” and weighs 174, also has a BMI of 30.

Obesity is linked with higher risk for COVID-19 complications


In a published study from Baylor Medical College, 98% of the subjects following the Alcat diet improved scale weight and/or body composition.

The short term efficacy of the Alcat Test for food sensitivity to facilitate changes in body
composition & self-reported disease symptoms, the Bariatrician, Spring ’96

Beyond Weight Loss

Avoiding inflammatory foods and other substances can help not only with weight management, but also optimize health and performance. It can also relieve or eliminate inflammation-driven symptoms of acute or chronic disorders including:

Gut- celiac, IBS, Crohn’s disease, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gastritis, acid reflux

Metabolic- obesity, type 2 diabetes, thyroid, inability to lose weight

Skin- acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, urticaria

Musculoskeletal- stiff/sore joints, arthritis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia

Respiratory- chronic cough, asthma, post-nasal drip, wheezing, sinusitis

Neurological- chronic fatigue, headache, migraine, cognitive impairment, ADD, ADHD

Learn more about how your food culprits could be contributing to struggles with weight. Order your FREE copy of Your Hidden Food Allergies Are Making You Fat by R. Rivera, M.D., and R. D. Deutsch.
Apply the code FREEBOOK at checkout and get the book at no cost to you! Click here to learn more and order today.

“It’s been a little over 5 months and I have dropped 60 pounds. However, the best part about what has happened, is the fact that I feel better than I have since I was 35 years old and I’m 70, my Doctor has taken me off blood pressure medicine, and I no longer need Meloxicam for pain in my neck and back.” 

Sammy O’Banion, Musical artist, Stanley, NC

“I highly recommend the Alcat test to anyone suffering from inflammation, as well as other diagnosed symptoms/diseases that are inflammatory in nature. This is absolutely the best thing I have ever done.” 

Terry Brazell, Bank VP,
Lafayette, LA

Thousands of practitioners use this test to help their patients with weight loss and conditions driven by inflammation. Watch this video of Dr. Pescatore discussing the success of using the Alcat Test with his patients. He is the former Associate Medical Director of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, and author of best-selling children’s health book, Feed Your Kids Well and The Hamptons Diet.


You too can have access to the Alcat Test used by practitioners, celebrities and professional athletes. Call us for a complimentary 15-minute no obligation discovery call to learn more about our services and how we can help you reach your health and nutrition goals. Click here to provide us with contact information and put “discovery call” in the comment box. For information on ordering tests and other services, click here.

To learn more about Cell Science Systems, go here.
You can also check out this fascinating interview with Roger Deutsch, CEO of Cell Science Systems and the co-developer of the Alcat Test. He discusses what sparked his drive to use food as medicine, why the Alcat Test is the most accurate food sensitivity test available worldwide, the new micronutrient assays developed by his team, and his vision for the future.

What the experts say

“Elimination of Alcat-identified inflammatory foods…reduced body inflammation, body weight, and negative medical symptoms associated with food intolerances.” – Northern University Illinois


ReferenceJudith M. Lukaszuk, Masih Shokrani, Priyanka Ghosh Roy, Jodi Hoppensteadt, and Josephine Umoren. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. Oct 2018.215-221.

“There is significant evidence that hidden food allergies may be one meaningful cause of the growing obesity epidemic and eliminating food allergens will begin by decreasing daily weight gains, to empower weight loss.”– Texas State University


Reference: Texas State University, Galveston Clinical Research, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK), Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (UK); Willis BF, Shanmugam R, Curran SA; Sci Nutr Res. Sept 2018; 1(1): 1-6

“[The Alcat test] identifies food items that result in release of inflammatory markers and activation of innate immune cells.” – Yale School of Medicine


Reference: Garcia-Martinez, I., Weiss, T.R., Yousaf, M.N. et al. A leukocyte activation test identifies food items which induce release of DNA by innate immune peripheral blood leucocytes. Nutr Metab (Lond) 15, 26 (2018).

“A leukocyte activation test [Alcat test] can be used to develop an individualised diet that can alleviate symptom burden in IBS.” – Yale School of Medicine


Reference: Ali A, Weiss TR, Scherban A, Khan A, McKee D, Apollo D, Mehal WZ; BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 2017 Volume 4, Issue 1

“There is a clinical correlation between the ALCAT food intolerance test and insulin resistance.”

– University of Camerino (Italy)


Reference: Pompei P, Grappasonni I, Scuri S, et al. A Clinical Evidence of a Correlation Between Insulin Resistance and the ALCAT Food Intolerance Test. Altern Ther Health Med. 2019;25(2):22-38.

“ALCAT could be used to support the clinical suspicion of the presence of NCGS (non-celiac gluten sensitivity) and to address these patients to a blinded gluten challenge.” – University of Pavia


Reference: Di Stefano M, Pesatori EV, Manfredi GF, et al. Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity in patients with severe abdominal pain and bloating: The accuracy of ALCAT 5. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018; 28:127-131. doi:10.1016/j.clnesp.2018.08.017

There is “compelling evidence for the short-term efficacy of the ALCAT test and diet plan in producing a positive change in body composition and self-reported disease symptoms.” – Gilbert Kaats, CEO of Integrative Health Technologies, Inc.


Reference: Kaats, Gilbert & Pullin, Dennis & Parker, Larry. The Short Term Efficacy of the ALCAT Test of Food Sensitivities to Facilitate Changes in Body Composition and Self-reported Disease Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Study.

“Twelve weeks after following the Alcat Test diet plans, we observed a significant decrease in body weight, total body fat percent and body mass index.” – Middle East Journal of Family Medicine


Reference: Akmal M, Khan SA, Khan AQ.; Middle East J Fam Med. 2009;7(3) of_The_ALCAT_Test_Diet_Therapy_for_Food_Sensitivity_in_ Patient’s_With_Obesity